The field has a frequency board and a picnic table.   There is a restroom within walking distance.   Bring an umbrella for shade in the summer, and plenty of cool drinks!


222 Flying Club

About the green red and white Trainer 40: Built by me (Dave W) in Spring of 1990 and named the "Italian Stallion" by Rex Rogers for its Italian coffee can colors this Trainer 40 was my 3rd plane.  I crashed it in Sept 1990 for unclear reasons and for equally unclear reasons I rebuilt it ( mostly fuse work) very quickly but stopped shy of recovering the fuse and mounting the gear.  I did that this week a mere 21 years later.  Trainer 40's and 60's were popular "back in the day" as a second airplanes because they had  fairy thick fully symmetrical wing and could be docile or very aerobatic.  Mine balanced right on the CG and is pretty lively for an old school plane.  I kept one original world engines servo in the rudder  (the least important function!) and used the original Super Tiger S 40 which is also at least 21 years old having sat in the basement after a few years in a Pt 40.

It runs well although one cannot yank the plane off the ground and vertical is limited.  The nose gear is a bit short and needed  bigger wheel for prop clearance. The first 2 flights surprisingly gave me some anxious moments when the combination of grass induced drag a mild motor and more elevator than power led to some serious tip stalling on take off ( yes this trainer tip stalls- the wing has been shortened by about 4 inches!)  Like the Ultrasport the Trainer series makes a "symmetrical wing sound"  a kind of speed dependent whistle that seems unique to the Great Planes designs. It is fun to fly and old friend with at least some period correct parts if only to realize how spoiled we are by the number of easy to fly amazing arfs out there!  Dave